August 25th - Sail Against Suicide and Try Sailing Day (FREE)
Published 20:00 on 13 Aug 2018
Announcing the fourth annual Sail against Suicide and Try Sailing
Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club
August 25th 2018 from 10am – 6pm
(sailing 10am – 4pm)
Sail against Suicide is an initiative from Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club about raising awareness of suicide.
Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club is a community based, volunteer run club - keen to provide constructive support to the wider community. Mental health and the challenges around the issue are very topical and this event aims to provide information and raise awareness.
Sail against Suicide is not a fundraising event – its purpose is simply to raise awareness of mental health issues that affect every community in Ireland and brings the topic into focus.
Try Sailing is an initiative from Irish Sailing to get as many people on the water and sailing as possible. Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club have combined Try Sailing with Sail against Suicide.
This is a FREE fun event – we aim to get 150 people on the water and more watching from the promenade – music, food, entertainment, information and above all – Awareness.
If you would like to come along to the Try Sailing event, please let us know by contacting "training at cybc dot ie". It helps us with organisation of the boats and volunteers involved. It's fine to just turn up on the day too!
Come to Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club on Saturday 25th August from 10am – 4pm
Last updated 17:31 on 9 February 2021